Sim - Nursing Student Navigates Misophonia

S1 E10 - 1/15/2020
In this episode, Adeel converses with Sim, a nursing student from Ontario, Canada. They discuss the challenges and strategies Sim employs to cope with misophonia in her daily life, including living with roommates, attending university, and preparing for a future in nursing. Sim shares her approach to managing triggers, like utilizing headphones and fostering clear communication about her condition with those around her. They explore the significance of openness and understanding in building supportive relationships and environments. The episode emphasizes the importance of acknowledging misophonia as part of one's life, but not the entirety, advocating for awareness and mutual respect within both personal and professional contexts.


Adeel [0:01]: Hello and welcome to the Misophonia podcast. This is episode 10. My name is Adeel Ahmad and I have Misophonia. A little under the weather this week, but I think it's only affecting the sound of my voice. The interview is totally fine. It was recorded a couple of months ago. In it, I'm talking to Sim who goes to university up in Ontario, Canada. She's studying to be a nurse. So we talk about that, about the experience of living with roommates for the first time, new friends at university and what her family thinks. A couple little announcements I wanted to make. I don't think I've mentioned this on the podcast yet, but I actually created a playlist of songs on Spotify. Songs that aren't necessarily the usual nature sounds or background noises that you use for coping. These are more songs that either capture how you feel when dealing with meso or just songs that sound like they might be about misophonia. Anyways, the playlist is called the Misophonia Podcast Community, and I made it collaborative, so actually anyone can add their own contributions once you follow the playlist. I just thought it'd be kind of fun, and there's already a few dozen people following. Another thing I want to announce is that on Saturday, April 25th in Minneapolis, I'll be doing a session about Misophonia at a tech conference I do every year. Now, this conference is totally free. It's mostly about tech and startups, but it's unusual in that anyone can offer to present a topic And then you just get a room to present and people can choose which sessions they want to go to. My MISO one, I think, is related to tech because so many of us are in open offices. But anyways, if you're around, you can feel free to just sign up and come on down. The whole day is fun and formal. It's totally free. There's free food, a large space at the Best Buy headquarters with lots of corners to hide in when people are eating. There's a free happy hour. There's free childcare. And yeah, and we can just kind of all hang out in a room and talk about miso. If you want more info, I actually created a Facebook event that you can find on the Facebook page or email me at hello at Speaking of email, you can still email your address if you want a sticker. I've still got tons around, sending a bunch out this week. But just email me your address and I'll send some your way. And please send pics of wherever you stick them. And it's always fun to see where people are putting these. All right, enough of all that. Let's get to my conversation with Sim. So welcome, Sim. Glad to have you on the podcast.

Sim [2:28]: Yeah, glad to be here.

Adeel [2:30]: Um, so yeah, I guess, so tell me, tell me a little bit about you, I guess, starting like where, where are you located?

Sim [2:36]: So I'm located in Canada, um, and I am a university student. Um, I'm studying nursing.

Adeel [2:44]: Oh, cool.

Sim [2:45]: Yeah.

Adeel [2:46]: There's a lot, that's all we can talk about with nursing. The profession itself can be kind of a, um, you, you know, you're obviously going to be in a hospital environment. So there's a lot of, um, mouth noises. Um, but let's start with like, um, student life over where you are.

Sim [3:00]: Um, so I live, um, close to campus, not on res, but I live with roommates. Um, and that can be interesting too.

Adeel [3:09]: Do the roommates know about this or is it something they're hiding?

Sim [3:13]: Yes, they do. Cause I feel like it's just better to be upfront about things rather than just harbor resentment over something that they don't know about.

Adeel [3:21]: Yeah. Did they know, did you know them before or?

Sim [3:24]: No, I did not. No, I did not. So, um, we all met through like a housing page. Um, and I was the last one to join the group. So they had already formed a little group and they were looking for a fourth person. And that's kind of how we met. So I didn't actually know them. Um, and it was my first time doing something like that. So I was very nervous, but it worked out very well actually, cause we're all very close now and they're awesome people.

Adeel [3:49]: But did they, did they start, uh, like how long did it take for you to, um, talk to them? I was going to say confront, but talk to them about it. Or was it kind of runaway or did they start to trigger?

Sim [4:00]: Well, it was actually one of my roommates that had brought up the fact that she doesn't like loud typing in class and she doesn't like chewing noises, like her own personal experience with that. And so then that kind of just made it easier because I just jumped in and I was like, well, me too, except for also this and also this.

Adeel [4:22]: And did you know at that point that it had a name, Misophonia? Did you say, hey, this is Misophonia?

Sim [4:29]: I did know that it does have a name because I joined Reddit pages and stuff. I knew that. But for some reason, I just avoid using for no particular reason. I just feel like most people just don't know what it is. So it's just easier and more better understood. when I just say, oh yeah, I have a problem with like these noises. It would be nice if more people knew.

Adeel [4:51]: That's kind of what we're trying to do. Yeah. In the past, it was called selective sound sensitivity syndrome. And it's, I guess now we've settled on misophonia, but anyways, going back to your roommate. So did your, did your roommate, did the woman actually call it misophonia too? Or is she just kind of.

Sim [5:08]: She does. She does. But yeah, we haven't, Talks about it much since then. But yeah, she does say that she has misophonia as well. So it was very, I guess, coincidental that we both ended up living together. So everyone else is super like good about things like that. Like when we all watch a movie together, we don't typically snack because it like both of us, it bothers the both of us. But yeah, I had no idea before rooming with her that, you know, that was the case.

Adeel [5:40]: nice okay well that's great so half your house is uh that's your whole house is kind of respectful because half you have it so are there any other kinds of um accommodations that your other roommates do for you um they're just careful around you i guess i mean i've also um like i will if something bothers me and i think it's like um i feel like we have uh certain things that we do that

Sim [6:06]: that they'll do. And I think that that's within reason. Then I'll just kind of remove myself from the situation. Like I don't expect, I guess my roommate and I don't expect everyone to, you know, walk like typical around us.

Adeel [6:18]: Right. But at least they'll, right. And so you can remove yourself and they won't be like, oh, this, why should you just take it off? Yeah.

Sim [6:25]: And it's not made a big deal. It's just like, okay, that's fine.

Adeel [6:29]: That's great. That's a great equilibrium there.

Sim [6:32]: Yeah.

Adeel [6:32]: Cool. Well, yeah, it sounds like you should hang out to these roommates for the entire university career.

Sim [6:39]: Well, it's funny because I've had to make accommodations as well because one of my roommates heard one of her triggers is the typing noises on like a keyboard. And honestly, that doesn't bother me that much. Like for me, it's it's mainly like mouth noises, like chewing and like macking and and like. breathing noises that trigger me so we have different triggers even though we have the same like issues with noise it's different triggers so it's like we both have to accommodate for each other too so it's been interesting and I've never um like lived or even had a friend that had misophonia so it's like interesting now to like be on the other side yeah to be on the other side yeah

Adeel [7:17]: And so how is, like, so basically you guys probably study a lot just at home then. I would imagine going out to the library is kind of a horror story in a lot of places, cafes and whatnot.

Sim [7:26]: I mean, I do spend, I have, like, what I, like, will call, like, degrees to, like, my studying. If I'm just doing, like, some work where I can, I bought a pair of headphones that honestly I'm, like, not even exaggerating, but changed my life.

Adeel [7:40]: Mm-hmm.

Sim [7:42]: So I've been taking those if I know I'm going to be spending time on campus or for things that I can't avoid, like if I have a group meeting where I know I'll have to be on campus, I'll take my headphones with me.

Adeel [7:51]: Which headphones are they?

Sim [7:54]: They are the Sony WH-1000XM3.

Adeel [7:58]: Are they the noise-canceling ones?

Sim [8:00]: Yes, they are.

Adeel [8:01]: Gotcha. Okay, yeah, I know those ones, yeah. Similar to the Bose, the Sony version of them, yeah.

Sim [8:05]: Yes, that's what I was, I was debating between the two of them. I can't remember now why I settled on Sony, but I don't think it was anything significant. Yeah, but I was, it was between the Bose and the Sony ones. But yeah, so these have made a huge difference for studying on campus because it can be really, really difficult. Because even like silent study in the library, like crinkling of wrappers and all that stuff, like drives me crazy. Yeah.

Adeel [8:35]: Do you need the big ones or do you carry any little ones as well for just kind of even more portability? um no i carry these big ones with me everywhere yeah okay yeah i know it's not that hard though because i have a backpack so i just don't remember i just keep it in my backpack so yeah yeah i tend to i tend to wear um some bluetooth ones around my neck usually and then i like to keep ones that don't need any kind of batteries in case you know anything fails so i keep ones that i can just kind of plug in that are powered by the phone too

Sim [9:08]: Yeah, I carry the charger and wire with me.

Adeel [9:11]: Yeah, okay. Yeah, so you're totally prepared. That's great. And so in nursing, are you doing any work in a hospital environment yet, or are you still just studying?

Sim [9:25]: It is my first year of the program, and so far we work with standardized patients who are – play they're not actually a patient they're just an actor and they're they're playing a role so i haven't come across so like when we do things like um there's not much eating and noise involved with that because they're not actually a real patient so they wouldn't actually be taking pills and they wouldn't actually be you know you wouldn't be walking while they're they're eating lunch or something Um, so, so far I haven't really, I am in a hospital setting, but I would almost argue that I'm not really because everyone's, everyone there is an actor. Yeah.

Adeel [10:10]: Gotcha.

Sim [10:11]: Um, but next of like, um, in January with new year, I will start my first like placement. So I'm sure that'll come with its own challenges with, um, being in a hospital setting and I have no idea where I'll be.

Adeel [10:23]: So we'll have to maybe check in with you again on the podcast in about a year.

Sim [10:27]: Yeah, sure.

Adeel [10:29]: Very cool. I,

Sim [10:30]: I'm anticipating that there's going to be some challenges with, you know, people in hospitals sometimes are recovering from surgery, so they can't chew their food or their bed through alternate ways. And even the breathing noises of the machines and all that. So it might be interesting. And yeah, ever since I've gotten these headphones, I've relied on them a lot. So I can't do that in the hospital. So I wonder how.

Adeel [10:54]: Yeah, I might have to go to smaller ones or just kind of time box, like realize that, OK, I'm going to I got to do this for this amount of time. I find that people have mentioned that that also helps to know that, OK, I have this job to do between this half an hour and then everything will be fine after. And then half an hour ago by. Yeah, they can hear whatever they are subjected to during that time. And it kind of helps a little bit.

Sim [11:19]: Yeah, for me, I find that. Before this, I used to work as a support worker. So there was a lot of, you know, noises involved with that too. But I found that that was a lot easier to cope with because, you know, that's your job. You're there for a reason. You're being paid to be there. So it's not that bad. Whereas when I'm like just minding my own business and I'm on my own time, like studying or something, it'll tend to annoy me a lot more because I am not prepared for it. And also be, I'm like, this is my own time. I should not like, you know.

Adeel [11:58]: Yeah. Just shut the F up. Yeah. Um, and, uh, and, and do you find when you're, when you're like stressed at like, you know, during, during exams time, exam time and whatnot, is it, um, did it get worse?

Unknown Speaker [12:10]: 1000%.

Sim [12:10]: Like it is so heavily coordinated with like my stress level. Like if I'm in a easy, like if it's summer vacation, I'm off of school. And I'm somewhere in like Mexico or the Bahamas, like it wouldn't bother me as much. Whereas if it's exam season, I'm in the library in the silent study part of it. And there's even like a little bit of noise that usually wouldn't trigger me at all. But because I'm stressed, I feel like I am more like almost hyper aware.

Adeel [12:41]: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I've heard that a lot. Yeah, so going back, I guess, to maybe origins, when did you first realize that you had, I guess, maybe, you know, how long do you remember having triggers?

Sim [12:57]: Honestly, I don't have, like, oh, my, like, I don't have, like, a moment where I, like, realized or I don't have, I can't recall, like, the earliest memory of, you know, me realizing that, like, i'm not okay with that um for me i would i would say i definitely realized by the time i was in like like later in school age like middle school high school um yeah like i've always within my family i'd always be annoyed by like certain family members because of the way they they chewed but i just thought that maybe they were just obnoxious chewers Um, but then later I realized, no, like it's, it's just, it's more than just a chewing and like, um, but I would, yeah, I would argue it was later. It was definitely like, or at least my awareness of it was later, like not as a child.

Adeel [13:52]: Got it. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's, it seems to be sometime around, around middle school. Uh, I've heard, um, as early as eight and I also heard talking to somebody who started around 14. So yeah, around that time.

Sim [14:04]: Around that. Yeah. Definitely not as a child. I don't recall any moment where I was like aware of even like things beyond like, you know, yourself.

Adeel [14:14]: Yeah. And, um, family members generally who were kind of the first triggers.

Sim [14:20]: yes yeah for sure as family members like i would as a child when you're like you know you eat dinner with your family i remember that being fine but then later i just remember like not being able to eat so what did you do did you uh did you kind of uh did you do the usual our usual um behaviors of glaring followed by maybe just yeah and then i realized yes just getting up and leaving Or I'd be like glaring at like a mom and I know she can't control it. So I'm like, what is going on? This is just madness. Like I should just like remove myself and I feel like it would just be easier. So yeah, no. And it's not all family members. It's just like.

Adeel [15:05]: Yeah. And do you have a lot of siblings?

Sim [15:09]: I have a sibling and we always have meals together. And that's another thing with me is I don't like eating meals alone. I think like meals are meant to be like shared. So it's like really hard to balance the two with like, I like to go out with my friends for like lunch or like coffee. And I like to like eat dinner with my sister. Like I don't like to always be alone in eating. So what we do is sometimes we'll like play a movie really, really loud, not so close. So yeah, I don't have many siblings, but I do have a sister.

Adeel [15:46]: Got it. Okay. And was your sister also a trigger of many parents and extended family too, maybe?

Sim [15:52]: Yeah, it would be like, yeah, with like some like of my cousins and, you know, like when you're at family events and stuff.

Adeel [15:58]: Getting up and leaving was kind of, was kind of your, your coping mechanism. Was there anything?

Sim [16:03]: Well, I feel like I was less direct. Like I would just be like, I'm not hungry right now. I'll be leaving. Yeah, a little diplomatic. Yeah, I just ate. So I'm not hungry yet.

Adeel [16:15]: Oh, so you try to avoid the whole thing, yeah.

Sim [16:17]: Yeah, and I'll just eat later. And I would just eat later. And I didn't even realize kind of like why I was doing that. Because also you're in that phase of your life where you're in high school and you're not wanting to do as much with your family anymore anyway. And you're also developing your own life. So sometimes it would actually be that. Like I had dinner at a different time because I had this going on or that going on. And so... it kind of just worked out in my favor, I guess. And then, yeah, shortly after high school, I moved out for university. So, uh, I had more control over like when I ate, who I ate with, what I ate, everything.

Adeel [16:53]: Exactly. Exactly. So was it, was it affecting school at all when you were in like in high school and whatnot? Or was it, was it pretty much limited to like what was happening at home?

Sim [17:04]: Yeah. I don't remember being at school and being like, annoyed with it ever just because I feel like everyone well we had a cafeteria but no one really ate in the cafeteria everyone kind of ate like wherever they wanted to um so no I don't really remember it ever being like an issue where I felt like trapped somewhere and like I had to like sit there and endure like this noise for the most part in high school

Adeel [17:31]: Gotcha. Okay. Yeah, I mean, I didn't notice it at school either. Luckily, or else I would have killed my grades probably. But yeah, so what tends to happen to a lot of people is that, yeah, you get more control as you go to university. And then obviously, as you have a job and you find your own place to live. also the triggers can kind of start to expand so it kind of expands beyond family so it seems like for you too um it's you know it could be roommates it could be people in the library so has it um has it expanded to other triggers as well types of triggers or is it still mainly just kind of mouth stuff um for the most part it is just like i know that like

Sim [18:19]: commentators for people are, like, typing. I know, like, tapping your leg or something. But, yeah, for me, it's still just mainly mouth noises, like breathing, chewing. Yeah.

Adeel [18:34]: yeah just anything visual too like this how was it so um yeah that's i've heard i've heard about that a lot and you know i've picked up some of that too so it's kind of the you know it's almost like an anticipation of a trigger can be a trigger in itself i definitely when i'm picking a spot in the library i do like a quick scan all the time like no and it's like i know i do i do a quick scan i'm like okay well this person has like crinkly water bottle that i know is going to make a lot of noise so no thank you and i see a bunch of like granola bars that aren't even open yet and i'm like yep hell no uh yeah well it's a it's a it's our coping mechanism it's it's i mean using our eyes to kind of like weed out because that's the that's the you know when you're trying to grab a seat that's the one moment when you do have control so it's like okay i can control now where what i'm going to hear to the best of my ability and your eyes can kind of

Sim [19:29]: help you with that so that's probably why they're kind of linked not a doctor here but yeah I also find it interesting because sometimes I'll have my headphones on and I honestly cannot hear a thing um but if I see somebody just like and I can't hear anything but if I see someone like smacking their lips while they're like chewing gum or eating that'll bother me too And it's almost one of those feelings where you're like, okay, well then just don't look, like just continue doing what you're doing. Don't look. But it's like, I can't like not focus on it. Like once it caught, it catches my attention. I'm like, I'm aware of it. It's like, it'll bother me.

Adeel [20:08]: Got it. Okay. Yep. Yep. Yep. No, I totally, totally get that. And so, and do you tell anybody else? I said your roommates, like any of your other friends at school and whatnot?

Sim [20:22]: um no i don't yeah i mean did you even tell your family at all at any at any point yes my family is very aware of it um around when did you do that was it back in high school or after you left like in high school and i would be like i can't control it like this is something that like i just i like can't control so it's like because they would think like oh you're just being annoying like they didn't fully understand they were like you know you're just you're too picky like your life doesn't revolve around how you want it to work and i'm like i get that but i can't control it like i can't like switch it off almost and that was after you knew that miss phony had a name um yes yeah yeah did you give him any recently uh articles or um like even though they didn't understand it they were just kind of like okay that's you you're weird but i don't think they understand that it's something that it's not just me it's not like a quirky trait that i have it's like right right no yeah i'm wondering if if you if you yeah if you shared with them any of the news articles or videos that that are around to kind of like help them realize that it's a bigger thing I wonder, I don't know, my grandparents just have this theory that everyone's getting more and more sensitive and weaker.

Adeel [21:37]: Yeah.

Sim [21:37]: They're always like, we've never heard of these issues growing up. Nobody we knew had this.

Adeel [21:42]: Yeah. Interesting. Are your grandparents triggers too? That's a common thing. Yes.

Sim [21:48]: And I love them. They are my favorite people. They're my whole life. I adore my grandparents. Yeah. when it is tea time, like four o'clock at my house, I know I can't be at, I can't be downstairs. Yeah.

Adeel [22:04]: I'm assuming you're a Indian descent like I am. So yeah, I can, I can, I can picture the room already. So yeah.

Sim [22:12]: Yeah. Huge. So I'm just like, rather than like fight it, I just, yeah, I removed myself because some things you just have to accept are not going to change.

Adeel [22:21]: Um,

Sim [22:23]: in the same way that, you know, you can't change, right?

Adeel [22:26]: Right. Interesting. So, and have you, other than these magic pair of headphones that you carry around and you're, you know, eyeballing the room as you enter, are there any kind of other therapies that you've tried, like talking to audiologists or therapists or?

Sim [22:44]: Um, no, honestly, I haven't. Um, and I don't have a reason for not, I just, I just haven't.

Adeel [22:50]: I mean, there isn't really a cure. So it's like, it's, you probably hear a lot of the same stuff that you would hear, um, you know, Googling at this point, unfortunately, there's still research going on, but.

Sim [23:02]: No. And I feel like just the way with what my lifestyle is right now, um, The coping mechanisms that I have right now have been working really, really well. Again, when I start working and you're in a different environment where these things might not work as well, where you don't have as much control over where you're going to... Different stresses, too. Yeah, different stresses. And right now I have a lot of control over... The only time I don't really have control is... like when I'm in classrooms and stuff. But I mean, that doesn't make up a large part of my day. Whereas when you're working, it's eight hours. Well, as a nurse, it's sorry, 12 hours of your day. You don't really have much choice. Like you're kind of confined to that environment and where you are. So I figured that when I have different, when I'm in a different phase of my life, it might. push me more to like try other therapies because the ones I have might not work. But yeah, just for where I'm at right now, the headphones have literally changed my life.

Adeel [24:06]: Yeah. Well, that's great.

Sim [24:08]: And spending most your time at school where a lot of areas are silent study and a lot of people, you know, appreciate that too and are pretty good with that. I feel like I'm pretty good and lucky and I got lucky with my roommates because you know another one there's another one of us here so half of the apartment is dealing with the same thing so yeah that's kind of I guess why yeah no that sounds like you have a relatively knock on wood it was actually really funny so for a lot of my a lot of my classes we have this thing where we do group norms so you know it's things like you know like laptops are we all cool with laptops are we all cool with using like a cell phone in class so everyone and it has to be unanimous so it was really funny because when it came to um is everyone okay with eating during class um i didn't put up my hand because i i was hoping that we didn't Like I didn't want that. But I just realized after that everyone was looking at me and the instructor was like, okay, well it has to be unanimous. Like we can't do it if like someone isn't like agreeing with it. And I realized I was the only person in the whole entire group that didn't raise their hand. And it was a fairly big group. So it's interesting because it's like something that, I felt so strongly about it. I guess other people don't even realize. They were like, why isn't this girl putting her hand? And so I just raised my hand. I was like, yeah, yeah, whatever. It's fine. And she's like, are you sure? Don't feel pressured. I was like, no, I guess it's okay. Like, I don't want to be the only person and everyone just resenting me for it.

Adeel [25:52]: Interesting. Yeah. Yeah. And so, um, yeah, I mean, sitting in, sitting in lectures and in a school, like eating is a, eating is a huge thing these days. Um, and when you're, when you're in class, are you sitting in the front or the back? That's a, that's an interesting question because, uh, there's pros and cons.

Sim [26:10]: Yeah, I usually, it depends on the room, but a lot of my classes are smaller, so it doesn't really matter where you sit. It's kind of all like, it's, yeah, like level. But if I do have a choice, I'll try to sit near the front.

Adeel [26:25]: Okay, yeah, got it. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, because in the front, usually you might hear more from people behind you, but then in the back, I've heard that you can see everything. So I guess in the small room, you kind of screw it either way. So just put your headphones on, it's in the front. I think that covers, is there, so first of all, I want to, I want to thank you. Sam, there's a lot, a lot of people who, you know, also in school and are probably have similar experiences and are going to be able to relate. Is there anything, anything else you'd like to, to tell people who are kind of like listening and have never told anybody about this?

Sim [27:02]: With the whole, like telling people I've always been, I've always stuck to the route of like, you should just be upfront. And I know it's always one of those things that some people might not understand, because a lot of people haven't heard of it, right? A lot of people are not familiar with it. Or they think, oh my god, yeah, I hate when people chew gum with their mouth open. It's so annoying. And I'm like, yeah, but it's a little more than that. It's a little more than just annoying for me. It really limits what I can do and how I can do whatever. So as soon as they understand that, I feel like everything is a lot more like I'm at ease like I can whereas like I know it's hard to tell people that you're not that comfortable with like roommates so I know a lot of people that are moving out for the first time like that was one of my biggest worries when I moved out of home like at my house for the first time I was like how am I going to tell my roommate that I'm not cool with like snacking inside the room I'm not cool with these things because I don't want you don't want to seem like uptight or you don't want to seem you know it's just an odd first impression, I guess. Um, but I've always found that whenever I'm very upfront with it and I like just do it like, Hey, by the way, like this, like this is kind of like part of who I am. And it's, it's not all of who I am. It's literally like very, like not a small part, but I mean, it's, it is, it's not all of who I am.

Adeel [28:24]: It's one side. Yeah.

Sim [28:26]: And I guess for some people, they identify with it a lot more. But personally, I think it's not all of me. It's just a small part of me. So when I address it like that, like, hey, this is not all of who I am, but it's part of who I am, I feel like people are a lot more receptive to it and understanding. And it's just worked out far, far better for me in that way, rather than not telling anybody, it being like, really not understood why you're never like having dinner with everybody else and all of that like i just feel like it's a lot you feel a lot more at ease with it that's great yeah that's great advice be up front and uh and also spread some awareness and you could find other people who might be suffering too like your roommate yeah exactly and now we have like you get to talk to someone about it and you and you know what it's very interesting being on the other side of it when I feel like sometimes when you don't talk about it too much, you think you're going through it alone. You think you're the only person and you might not be very considerate of other people around you who, you know, also have misophonia and just aren't, you know, talking about it because had my roommate and I not talked about it, I would never have known that my typing is setting her off and driving her crazy. And he would have never known that her, uh, chip chewing is like, you know, driving me crazy. Like you can be, um, a respectful and considerate person for another person. Like you can be accommodating for another person if you share these things.

Adeel [29:53]: Well, that's great. Yeah, let's leave it on that. And good luck to you as you're going through school. And maybe in a year or so, we can have you back and talk about life in working in a real hospital or hospital with real patients.

Sim [30:10]: Yeah, with like actual patients.

Adeel [30:13]: Cool. Well, thanks again, Sim.

Sim [30:16]: Yeah, thank you for having me.

Adeel [30:17]: I hope you enjoyed that chat, and I definitely wish him luck in the hospital environment. You can follow on Facebook or Instagram at Misophonia Podcast. Also on Twitter at Misophonia Show. My email again is hello at And this podcast is on the web at As always, please leave a review wherever you get podcasts. It really helps go up in rankings and reach more listeners who might have me. So the music is by Moby. And until next week, wishing you peace and fire.

Unknown Speaker [31:13]: you